While out doing chores yesterday, Jerad heard quite a ruckus coming from the goats. At first he ignored it because the goats often do this for no reason at all. They continued their noise-making for several minutes, so he ventured over to see what was happening. To his surprise, he found a nanny goat in the process of giving birth. He didn't think they were due for another month! After a quick phone call letting us all know what was going on, we were all able to witness the miracle of life and help the nanny as more babies were born. By the time she was finished, the nanny goat named Baby had triplets. Last spring, Baby had her first kid, a single, that we called Baby's Baby. (Original, we know.) As often happens with our goats, when one starts kidding, another will follow. After we had been in town all evening, we checked to see if any others had taken Baby's lead. We found that Baby's Baby had her first kid. Being a first time mom, she wasn't caring for her new baby, so it spent the night inside while we worked to make it stronger. By this morning, the little one was up on its feet and making lots of noise. After a warm bottle, we took it back out to its mama under the heat lamp to see if she will take to it. If she doesn't, this one will most likely be our new bottle baby. You've got to admit, there's not much cuter than a baby goat!
**UPDATE** After keeping the one kid inside overnight, then taking it to its mama this morning, the mama is doing a great job caring for her baby. We've been checking throughout the day to make sure he has been latching on. He is continuing to look stronger. That's good news!
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February 2018